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The Newest Wild Bill Release!


“Wild Bill: Yellowstone Bound”

Novelette for 5th – 8th graders

Wild Bill and his packer, Evan James, were hand-picked to carry a special cargo over the Rocky Mountains to Yellowstone National Park in August of 1883. This is not only their first trip to Yellowstone, but also the first time a president of the United States has visited the first national park. Rumors of a treacherous journey and a park on the verge of collapse abound. Everyone involved in this mule pack train adventure is a bit nervous about the outcome.

If you have bought the first two books about Wild Bill, you simply MUST purchase this one to continue Wild Bill's story as a pack mule with the frontier army and an important entourage. If you are new to Wild Bill, then get all three! For book questions and for release updates in softcover and e-book please contact the author and publisher via email below. 


The Second Wild Bill Release!


“Wild Bill: Pack Mule of Camp Carlin”

Colorful History for 3rd – 5th graders

This story is the sequel to “Wild Bill, Do You Want To Be A Pack Mule?” and follows the young packer to see if he has what it takes to bring out the best in Wild Bill as his begins his career as a pack mule, and features a pack mule adventure to Fort Laramie in Wyoming territory during the 1870s.


The First Story of Wild Bill


“Wild Bill, Do You Want To Be A Pack Mule?”

~ Colorful History for Children ages Preschool to 2nd grade ~

This story is about a young mule who doesn’t like the uncomfortable equipment needed to be a pack mule. See how he shows his displeasure and builds confidence in a sweet, rhyming way with the help of his young packer.


About The Author

Whether you are looking for a special history book or live reading session, Debbie Freeman brings history to life with her stories and special events.

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